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Yamadai Ripe Tomato Soup De Pasta Noodle - Vegan (57 gr)

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Dive into a bowl of Yamadai’s Ripe Tomato Soup De Pasta Noodle and savor the burst of garden-fresh tomatoes blended perfectly with tender vegan noodles. 🍅 This hearty choice delivers a mouthwatering punch of flavor with every spoonful! And yes, it's completely vegan—cruelty-free and full of goodness. Ready in minutes, it's perfect for busy days or when you need a comforting meal. 🌱 So why wait? Add a swirl of delight to your shopping cart and make your taste buds dance with Yamadai’s Tomato Soup De Pasta Noodle!
  • Country of Origin
  • Halal
  • Vegetarian