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Marumiya Pink No Ume Gomashio Furikake Reisgewürz mit schwarzem Sesam und Pflaume (45 gr)



Transform your plain rice into a flavorful feast with Marumiya's Pink No Ume Gomashio Furikake! This delight features captivating black sesame and the tantalizing tartness of plum, introducing a burst of color and taste to your meals 🌸🍚. Perfect for sprinkling over bento, salads, or sushi rolls, elevate your dining experience effortlessly. Don't wait to jazz up your dishes - Buy it now and savor the exquisite Japanese touch in every bite!
  • Herkunftsland
  • Halal

Marumiya Pink No Ume Gomashio Furikake Reisgewürz mit schwarzem Sesam und Pflaume (45 gr)

Transform your plain rice into a flavorful feast with Marumiya's Pink No Ume Gomashio Furikake! This delight features captivating black sesame and the tantalizing tartness of plum, introducing a burst of color and taste to your meals 🌸🍚. Perfect for sprinkling over bento, salads, or sushi rolls, elevate your dining experience effortlessly. Don't wait to jazz up your dishes - Buy it now and savor the exquisite Japanese touch in every bite!
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