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Mama Instant Noodles Pa-Lo Duck (55 gr)

Mama Instant Noodles Pa-Lo Duck (55 gr)

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Normalpris £1.00 GBP
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Bryd ind i en skål med Mama Øjeblikkelige Nudler Pa-Lo And for en autentisk thailandsk takeout oplevelse til hjemme. Nyd en cremet aromatisk bouillon med saftige andekød og grøntsager, der er infunderet med bare det rigtige milde krydderi. Perfekt kogte nudler, der er dækket med thailandske krydderier, giver det perfekte transportmiddel til at hælde hver smagsfuld godhedskapsel ud. Det er let at lave disse lækre nudler - kun tre trin: Tilsæt kogende vand, vent tre minutter og du er klar til at nyde denne sunde måltid når som helst, hvor som helst! Så gå ikke glip af din næste thailandske takeout nat - lav en skål Mama Instant Noodles Pa-Lo Duck i stedet for, og få en mundvandende god behandling!

How to make soup noodles, Mama Instant Noodles Pa-Lo Duck.

The best way to prepare bag Noodles or Ramen are made in a saucepan on a stove. Use a saucepan that can easily hold 1.5 liters of water, at least enough so the noodles will be sumerged. Next add water, meassure 350 ml of water and add this to the saucepan. Cook the water on medium heat and wait till it come to a boil.Add the seasoning pack from the noodle package to the boiling water and stir the water.Now carefully add the Instant Noodles Pa-Lo Duck instant noodles from the package to the boiling water and let the noodles boil for 3 minutes.The noodles will change from a chalky color to a semi transparant color and when you lift the noodles with your chopsticks they look and feel curly & springy.

Make your noodles even nicer with some of the following: Green Onions
Flavours: Duck
Spiciness: 🌶️
Manufacturer: Mama
Country of origin: Thailand
EAN: 8850987123641
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